Sunday, April 20, 2008


Current version 0.17

SkirtMaker is a versatile automated flexi prim skirt maker for Second Life™. For a very affordable price (not even the last outfit you buy) you will have a professional tool to easily build your personal skirts.

Skirts rezzed with SkirtMaker won't be limited in any way : you'll be the creator of object, and can create mod/copy/trans skirts. No Personal/Professional releases, what you will get is a professional tool !

Here is a short list of SkirtMaker features:
  • Put any prim on SkirtMaker build a skirt with it (no need to put any script in it).
  • You can control how many prims the dress will get and use many commands to customize it : position offset, rotation offset, radius on x and y axis, arc range and offset, flare, flareback, bend.
  • Radius, flare, flareback & bend can be altered with a random factor for creating unregular skirts.
  • Prim size, color, alpha, texture can bet setup using specific commands
  • Use loop command to alter all prims or only a part of it (for example one half for creating a striped skirt)
  • Tile a texture on entire skirt.
  • Drop your commands into a notecard and use them as template

You will found bellow very detailled tutorials, read them very carefully. Your only limits of this tool will be your imagination.

Tutorial Part 1 - A first simple skirt
Tutorial Part 2 - Advanced Tricks
Tutorial Part 3 - Tiling a texture
Commands List

SkirtMaker is used to make skirt by:
Mimi A*Go*Go!
Gin Stylz & Happy Design

You may find SkirtMaker
Shop in world
Second Life Marketplace™

Saturday, April 19, 2008

SkirtMaker - Commands List

Command Channel

The SkirtMaker can be controlled using spoken commands. These spoken commands are listed below and are given on a specific command channel (which can be set/changed via spoken command). The default channel is 1.

Command example:
/1 rez

For setting up a customized channel use command channel in your ".ini" notecard see above.

Tips:When typing commands you can use // for reuse the last channel you use. This can be shorter than prefixing every commands with /1. But you need to be very careful not using any other channel while doing this (particulary speaking into public channel).

Commands Reference

Here is a short list of command you can use
a parameter noted indicates an obligatory parameter
a parameter noted [parameter] indicates a facultative parameter, note that when specifying a facultative parameter all preceeding facultative parameters should also be set.

► reset
Reset all script in SkirtMaker.

► channel
Set current channel to one specified.

Prim Commands

► prim
Set the prim name that will be used for rezzing.
That prim need to be in the inventory of SkirtMaker.
No script is needed inside the prim.
The creator of this object becomes the creator of final flexy skirt.
Until not specified default prim name is prim.

► nb
Set the number of prims to rez.
There is not limit
Until not specified default number of prims is 10.

► rez
Rez all the prims.
Rezzed prims are automatically linked together (causes a 1 second per panel delay because LSL's llCreateLink command forces a delay).

► unlink
Uses when finished with the current loop
Causes the SkirtMaker to unlink from the prims.
Be awere no more commands can be used from this point to modify current skirt.

► dump
At any time use it to dump current parameters to private channel.
Use it for copying into a notecard that you will use as template.

Prims position and rotation commands

Each command listed bellow could be use inside a loop. i.e. all or part of prim could be affected by each command. Use them before using the command unlink.

Absolute versus Relative parameters
Some SkirtMaker commands used for setting decimal parameters can be either used with specifying absolute value (/1 rad 50 for setting the radius to 50 centimers) or by specifying relative value (/1 rad +10 for adding 10 centimers to current radius). When absolute value can be used a * will be added left to parameter name.

► loop
Loop step and shift allow to apply loop command to all or part of prim.
Loop 1 0 will apply loop to all prim
Loop 2 0 will apply loop to every 2 prims i.e prim 0,2,4,6 etc..
Loop 2 1 will apply loop to every 2 prims beginning from 1 i.e. 1,3,5,7 etc…
If not specified default loop parameters is loop-step=1, loop-shift=0.

► pos
Set the prim position offset in centimeters used when rezzed.
Use standard vector notation without space <0.0,0.0,200.0>
If not specified default position offset is 2 meter on z-axis.
Commands posx, posy , posz commands can be used to define position offset on one axis only.

► rot
Set the prim rotation in degrees used when rezzed.
Use standard vector notation without space <0.0,180.0,0.0>
If not specified default rotation offset is 180+ on y-axis.
Commands rotx , roty , rotz commands can be used to define rotation on one axis only.

► rad [radius-random*]
Set the ellipse radius in centimeters (radius+/-random) of both x-axis and y-axis.

► radx [radius-x-random*]
Set the ellipse radius in centimeters (radius+/-random) of x-axis.

► rady [radius-x-random*]
Set the ellipse radius in centimeters (radius+/-random) of y-axis.

► arcr
Set the angle range use for rezzing the prim. If use arcr 120 240, only prim in the range of 120° up to 240° will be rezzed.

► arco
Set the angle offset used for rezzing the prims. When using a 4 prims without arc offset, prims are rezzed around the ellipse at 0° 90° 180° 270°. When using arco 45 prims are rezzed at position 45°, 135° ,225° and 315°.

► flare [flare-angle-random*]
Set the flare in degrees (angle+/-random) to each prim.
90 degrees will set the prims horizontal.
0 degress will set the prims vertical.

► flareback [flareback-angle-random]
Add an extra flare in degrees to the backside of the skirt

Prims customization commands
The following commands have no effect until the prims have not been rezzed.

► color
Apply color to each sides of each prims defined by loop-step, loop-shift.

► alpha
Apply alpha to each sides of each prims defined by loop-step, loop-shift.

► tuuid
Set the texture uuid used by following tset and ttile commands.

► tset [repeat] [offset] [rotation]
Apply texture to each sides of each prims defined by loop-step, loop-shift and sides
Reapeat Offset and Rotation could be used. Use <1.0,1.0,0.0> <0.0,0.0,0.0> 0 if not wanted.

► ttile [number] [percentage]
Tile a texture across the skirt. Number set the number of time the texture is used along horizontal axis. Percentage defines how much of normal section is used for a single prim (1 for 100%).

SkirtMaker Tutorial - Tiling a texture

This short tutorial will explain how you can tile a texture while easily modifying the offset used for each prim of a skirt.

First Edit SkirtMaker and copy the Ganesh texture into your Textures inventory.

Rez a simple skirt using following commands:
/1prim prim3
/1 nb 16
/1 rad 30
/1 flare 40
/1 rez

Resize the prims using:
/1 size <10,15,50>

In second part of SkirtMaker tutorials I introduce how you can put a texture to the skirt prims using tuuid and tset commands. Command ttile could be used to tile a texture across the skirt. Try the following commands:

/1 tuuid b04403df-1f43-2419-7f8a-9f91f9743ce6
/1 ttile 1 1

Result should looks like the picture below.

There are two parameters for the ttile command.
First parameter set how many times the texture will be used for the entire skirt, in our sample one.
Second parameter is the percentage of normal section of texture that is used for a single prim. For a ten prims 1/10 of texture should work. Depends of the shape of prims, flare angle might be to much as in our example. Only way to really know the good percentage is to try and test.

Try :
/1 ttile 1 0.8

/1 ttile 1 0.5

Final Ganesh skirt looks like this :

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

SkirtMaker Tutorial - Advanced Tricks

In this second tutorial you will learn more advanced features of SkirtMaker.

Create a template notecard

One of the nicest feature of SkirtMaker is to run commands written into a notecard. Instead of typing commands on voice channel, you may write it into a notecard and use that notecard as a set of commands with only one click. This feature has many applications :

  • First its records your commands, thus you can remember easily how you did a skirt you builded monthes ago,
  • You can easily create variants of same shape with many different textures (just copy a base notecard, modifiy texture commands, and use the new notecard)
  • You can easily create different size of same skirt

Click on SkirtMaker, a Dialog menu will popup with sample buttons.
Click on "sample 1"

Yep, you recognize the first sample skirt. Let see how this works.
Edit your SkirtMaker and select Contents Tab, you will find three notecards named sample 1, sample 2, sample 3.
Open sample 1.

That notecard stores the commands you used previoulsy with some comments added. All commands used on channel can be stored into a notecard. Drop that notecard into RezBoz inventory and the template will be available through the menu.

To Launch a template from voice command you can also type
/1 build <template-notecard>

Order of commands
Let's have a look to a particular point, you will notice order of command differ a lil bet from what you used when following the first tutorial.

Remember, what you did was : prim + nb + rez + flare + rad + flareback + color unlink

The notecard use another order: prim + nb + rad + flare + flareback + rez + color + unlink

Both order will work but there is a difference, setting the ellipse parameters before rezzing will be quicker. SkirtMaker will rez different prims on good place, instead of rezzing on standard place and modify afterward. Thus the order you did is more dedicated to try and see from voice channel. On the opposite, when all the right parameters are known, better is to set them before rezzing like in the "sample 1" notecard.

Dump parameters
To help writing of template notecard, SkirtMaker give you the possibility to dump current parameters into a notecard easily.

/1 dump

SkirtMaker will answer on private channel :

prim prim1
nb 16
pos <0.000000,0.000000,0.000000>
rot <0.000000,180.000000,0.000000>
radx 50 0
rady 50 0
arcr 0 360
arco 0.000000
flare 65 0
flareback 10
bend 0 0

Open the history communication windows (Ctrl+H), select every lines and copy that them into a notecard. No pain is needed for you to remind you try and see. When ready and dump, nothing else ;)

Applying alpha, color and texture

You already use color command in the first sample, let's go further with the use three particular commands : alpha, color, texture.

At this point you should have open the "sample 1" notecard. Put in comment the last line // unlink. This will allow you to rez the "sample 1" without delinking to use some more commands before unlinking. Save the notecard.

Copy the "Age of Sempi" Texture into your Textures folder. That texture is part of great collection of Torley Linden textures.

Select the current skirt and delete it. Touch your SkirtMaker copy and select "sample 1" in popup dialog.

When SkirtMaker advices "color loop has been done"
Click right on Age of Sempi into your inventory and use command "Copy Asset UUID"

Type using paste for texture-uuid
/1 tuuid 33da96df-8224-d75f-45b6-c0c1c9bbf42f
/1 tset

You will notice SkirtMaker has applied the Age of Sempi texture to your prims.

Using loop for alpha, color and textures command
Without specifying anything else alpha, color and textures command will affect every prim of your skirt.

There is a way to affect only part of prim with command loop


/1 loop 2 0
/1 color 5F0010
/1 loop 2 1
/1 color 4F0020

You will notice your dress is now using two differents dark red color. On is applied on even prim, the other on odd prim.

Loop first parameter "2" means next commands will affect only half of prim (i.e. step is 2)
Loop second parameter "0" means for color 5F0010 and "1" for color 4F0020 means loop begin from first prim (0) second prim (1).

Same trick could be used with other loop commands (size, alpha, texture)
Thus if you want to use three different textures you can use
/1 loop 3 0
/1 tuuid texture1-uuid
/1 tset
/1 loop 3 1
/1 tuuid texture2-uuid
/1 tset
/1 loop 3 2
/1 tuuid texture3-uuid
/1 tset

Creating a skirt with several layers

Unlink the current skirt with:
/1 unlink

And type:
/1 prim prim2
/1 nb 18
/1 rez

Now lower the new layer with:
/1 loop 1 0
Ensure that will apply to all prim
/1 posz -65
For lowering the prims of 65 cmd

Now use the command you already know to reduce the radius, but with an extra parameter
/1 rad 30 4
This set the radius to 30 but randomly position the prim in the range of [28,32].

Command flare could be use with random parameter as well:
/1 flare 65 10

Apply a texture
/1 tuuid df1ed602-2e5d-de8a-7ab5-06b4211d0809
/1 tset

SkirtMaker has a nice feature to resize the prim that have already been rezzed. Original size of prim2 is 25,25,30, we will reduce size of prim to 10,10,15.
/1 size <10,10,15>

We will now add a third layer
/1 rez
/1 posz -60
/1 rad 28 4
/1 flare 75 10
/1 size <10,10,15>
/1 tuuid df1ed602-2e5d-de8a-7ab5-06b4211d0809
/1 tset

No we will shift the layer from 10°
/1 arco 10

End of second tutorial,
And yes there are still some features to discover,
Some more to come ;)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

SkirtMaker Tutorial - A first simple skirt

You will find here a guide for creating a simple skirt with your SkirtMaker. Follow the instructions very carefully.

First step move to any sandbox or a place you're sure rez and script is allowed.

Creating the base prim

A flexy skirt is usually made of simple prims repeatedly rezzed around some ellipse. On first part we will create the base prim that you will ask Rezbot to use to create your skirt.

Create a object on ground.
Select Edit

In object panel
Select Building Block Type : Cylinder
Size : X=0.100 Y=0.200 Z=1.000
Rotation: X=180.00 Y=0.00 Z=0.00
Path Cut : Begin=0.300 End=0.700
Hollow : 95.0
Taper : X=-1.00 Y=-0.90

Be sure to enter negative values for taper otherwise your panels wont rez correctly later on the tutorial.

In Features Panel
Select Flexible Path
Softness : 1.000
Gravity : 10.000
All other parameters to 0.000

In Texture Panel
Select Texture
In Pick Texture Dialog click Blank

Take the object into your inventory. It must be in your Object Folder.

Click right on your object into you inventory.
Rename it to "prim", the description can be leave empty

Drop the prim into SkirtMaker

Now the prim is ready to be use by SkirtMaker. Rez your SkirtMaker copy on floor. you will receive 5 times an advice message asking you permission to allow link/and delink from SkirtMaker. Accept it 5 times, this has been done to increase SkirtMaker speed by 5.
"Link and delink from other objects. Is this Ok ?"
Answer Yes.

Select SkirtMaker and Edit. Open the Content Panel and drag your object prim from inventory into SkirtMaker.

Creating a first simple skirt

Now everything is ready to build your first skirt. SkirtMaker could be command with voice channel (default /1) or by setting a notecard. For now we will only use first option.

Type these commands on public channel

/1 prim prim
Tell SkirtMaker to use prim named "prim" as elementary prim.
You will notice every parameter you modify is echoed in your private channel.

/1 nb 16
Set the number of elementary prims SkirtMaker will rez to 12.

/1 rez
Ask for SkirtMaker to rez your skirt.

SkirtMaker will first rez all 16 elementary prim around a circle, 2 meters above your SkirtMaker. On second part it will link them together.
The following advice will ask for waiting ""Wait for prims to be linked before running a command." A delay of 1 second is needed for linking every single elementary prim. Thus you will have to wait for 16 seconds before RezBoz tell you "All prims have been linked, SkirtMaker is ready to accept commands."

You already notice all elementary prim faces to the center of circle. You will now add some flare.

/1 flare 65
The prim will flare outwards to 65 degrees.

Now enlarge the circle.
/1 rad 60
Set the radius on both x and y axis to 60 cm.

Oops ! Seems this was a little too much. It doesnt matter you can test and test without fear. Each command could be run as many time you want.
/1 rad -10
Reduce the radius to 50 cm.

Most SkirtMaker commands used for setting decimal parameters can be used either by specifying absolute value (like //rad 60) or by specifying relative value (like //rad -10).

You will probably notice straight skirt doesnt fit very well on Second Life. To help prevent the effect of prim emerging from the buttocks and upper thighs of avatars you can add an extra degrees of flare angle to the backside of a skirt with command flareback.

Type :
/1 flareback 10

Now what about adding some color to your skirt. Well my mood is here, listenning to "All The World is Green" one of my favorite song of Tom Waits.

/1 color 4CBB17

You will probably wonder how 4CBB17 may be the "Kelly Green" I used. SkirtMaker uses Hex Triplet for color setting as HTML does.

Color naming schemes is a fascinating world, have a look here
Wiki - List of colors to have fully information about it.

Seems the skirt is ready ? You will delink the skirt from the SkirtMaker, once this is done there is no way for SkirtMaker to modify the skirt, thus use them when you really sure the dress is ok.

/1 unlink

The following message will warn you. "All prims have been unlinked. Object is ready to be taken."

Edit the dress and rename it. Might be "Skirt All The World Is Green" or whatever, and take it to your inventory.
Select the skirt into that inventory and attach it to Pelvis.
You will need to adjust rotation on y-axis.

End of first tutorial. Well this was just a try...
Have Fun,